About Coaching HER

About Coaching HER

Coaching HER tackles the most central, yet unaddressed, issue in youth sport which negatively impacts girls’ performance, self-perceptions, sport choices and experiences: coaches’ unconscious gender biases and stereotypes.

How a girl feels about her coach is one of the most important factors determining whether or not she keeps playing sports.

Coaches are powerful role models who can impact a girl’s self-confidence. Yet they often lack the education and training needed to address gender identities, stereotypes and bias.

Our Vision: To help more girls get and stay in sport through critical drop-out ages.

Coaching HER:

  • Provides coaches the tools they need to effectively coach girls
  • Exists and is founded on the fact that gender impacts every aspect of coaching as well as every aspect of girls’ sport experiences
  • Is girl-focused, gender-responsive, and recognizes girls experience the world differently, face many barriers, and are treated differently than boys, because they are girls
  • Upskills coaches to minimize the harmful impact of stereotypes and bias on the girls they coach
  • Supports the needs of girls in sport by helping coaches create a climate where girls can realize their full potential, optimally develop and flourish
  • Stands as an evidence-based, rigorously tested tool for sport coaches of girls that challenges the status quo and the taken-for-granted assumptions of what it means to coach girls. We are helping coaches minimize gender inequalities and to coach differently
  • Is developed by world-renowned experts and championed by leading brands
  • Includes exclusive data from coaches and girls around the globe that informed this program
  • Gives voice to girls and includes her perspectives